Monday 6 August 2012

Saturday Night At Sway.

Saturday night it was my lovely friend Fay's birthday, so we all headed to Holborn.
We started the evening at a Korean restaurant then went on to Sway Bar to make complete fools of ourselves dancing to some cheesy tunes : p 

Tuesday 31 July 2012

East Village Club

This weekend we all headed east for a friends birthday night out at the East Village Club in Shorditch.

I had to have a massive stamp so I wouldn't get asked for i.d every time I went to the bar, at my age thats no bad thing ; p.

Paula, looking lovely.

Cheese : )

We had a fun night!

Night Out In Birmingham

Me, Nicola & Leanne (Pretty Random)

So we decided to head to Birmingham for a day of shopping and a night out.
Leanne kept saying it was amazing for shopping and she was right!
We had a great time.

Random Video.